Just sayin’

Geopolitical high stakes gambler President Putin is so patriotically affronted by NATO tanks on his front lawn in the Baltic region that there is one sign at least that he might just be contemplating to engineer a ‘crisis’ in Kaliningrad. Kaliningrad, for those like me who really forgot that it existed, it’s Russia, but not as… Continue reading Just sayin’

Spare the rod

You have to hope this gathering worldwide storm of populism is not a glissando towards Nazi-ism. Sure, there is a quickening in the political pulse. The disconnected nomenklatura and all-too-connected social welfarists demand that the people get to eat cake when there really is no cake. The dispossessed gather in tribal clans to do harm.… Continue reading Spare the rod

Local newspapers have a death wish

On British local newspapers, traditionally that time-honoured apprenticeship of newsgathering, ill-fitted Fleet Street tricks are being aped. You can see this for yourself in headline language used to “big up” a story. “Council boss hits out over bins horror”, “Attendance at village fete plunges”, “Pensioner anguish over dead squirrel”, “Government cuts threaten charity panto”; you… Continue reading Local newspapers have a death wish

There should be a name for…

Shakespeare made up words. Now it’s your turn. There ought to be a name for… The tuft of hair that sticks from the back of a baseball cap The diablo of pleasure, then mild boredom, trounced by guilty remorse that occurs between the first spoonful of ice cream and the last scrape from the bottom… Continue reading There should be a name for…