To quote the intro to The Six Million Dollar Man, ‘We have the technology…’ To do lots of things, it’s true, but one of them is to assist in the rise to unstoppable power of a demagogue who might make the trains run on time in the UK, but could do the other bad stuff… Continue reading There’s a man going round, taking names
Category: Uncategorized
History is the Pitts
For those who love the discoveries of history as I do, you have almost certainly at some time in your life been closer to the slough of despond than an exit off the M4 between Windsor and Reading. History looking like a schoolboy Sisyphus pushing his bike up a one-in-four began for me with the… Continue reading History is the Pitts
Spelling bee is a game of two hives
Can anyone shed any light on a strange cultural diaspora. We get it that the ‘humor/humour’, ‘aluminium/aluminum’, ‘sulfur/sulphur’ etc schism now exists between the predominant forms of English. My question is does anyone know if and when there was some kind of pronouncement from either country, or has it just grown up in a custom… Continue reading Spelling bee is a game of two hives