There is a charming story to be found in the UK’s Daily Telegraph newspaper, though it’s a tad un-pc, as it reminds millennial snowflakes that all countries have had a past. A kind descendant has donated memorabilia of one of the first holders of the Victoria Cross. He was young lieutenant who had the guts… Continue reading No safe space
All cattywampous
Buses, eh. They’re like new words. You wait forever and then two come along at once. Still reeling from the fact that the word colporteur was a thing (‘Ah, mais oui, but he eez ze American who eez making those songs for Fred Astaire n’est ce pas?’), I was introduced in passing to another newbie… Continue reading All cattywampous
What are words worth?
As Talking Heads alumni band Tom Tom Club once sang: “What are words worth?” Well quite a lot when you think you knew a few of them and in the space of a day you encounter two — make that three actually — brand spanking new ones. The first is colporteur. No, not some some… Continue reading What are words worth?
Lawrence Alma-Tadema: At Home in Antiquity review
Lest We Forget
A brave and by his own words modest man died last month. His name was Mike Dauncey. He was 97, and so in the language of the battle for hearts and minds that the English call the game of cricket, Dauncey had a “good innings”. It was so nearly not so. Below is his citation… Continue reading Lest We Forget
You have to wonder what was the eventual fate of this unfortunate baby girl — though perhaps being given up was the best that could have happened to her, given the alternative that parents often chose. Infanticide followed by disposing of dead babies around churchyards and other less salubrious out of the way places… Continue reading “CHILD FOUND”
First they came for Blair Cottrell, but I was not Blair Cottrell
Worth having a look at the Blair Cottrell case decided in Melbourne yesterday if you have a moment and care about free speech.It does not matter that it occurred on the other side of the world. It does not matter that he was protesting about the building of a mosque in Bendigo. It does not… Continue reading First they came for Blair Cottrell, but I was not Blair Cottrell
Body shaming is not new
A poignant tale from 1798…
What the Left and the Alt-Right Get Wrong about Robert E. Lee
Source: What the Left and the Alt-Right Get Wrong about Robert E. Lee
When science and religious cults collide
For good measure about the ‘climate change causes bad things… look, see it’s flooding, therefore it must be’ debate, and yes I know it’s from Breitbart, but it should give the more rabid and uninformed warmists just a teensy weensy pause for thought about whether stuff is cause and effect or just effect. Dr. Duane… Continue reading When science and religious cults collide